Arun's Mafia Wars Helpers


Here’s where you’ll find the latest Bookmarklets including the beta versions. Beta versions are to be used with more care since they could contain bugs in them.


Chucker – Bookmark this link for the Chucker
Chucker – Bookmark this link for the Chucker (Alternate link)
Chucker bETA – Experimental Chucker

Brawler bETA

Brawler – Bookmark this link, Note : bETA version
Brawler – Bookmark this link, Note : bETA version (Alternate Link)

Wishlist Chucker (beta) :

Wishlist Chucker – Bookmark this link
Wishlist Chucker – Bookmark this link (Alternate link)

Top Mafia Promote:

TM Promote – Bookmark this link for Promoting to the new Top Mafia

Feed Helper:

Feed Helper – Bookmark this link
Feed Helper – Bookmark this link (Alternate link)


Racketeer – Bookmark this link for the new Racketeer


For racket accounts only and for Truck Driver rackets only.

Sneak Attack :

Sneak Attack – Bookmark this link
Sneak Attack – Bookmark this link (Alternate)
Open up target’s MW profile page, run BM, it’ll prompt to unframe, do so and then run again, specify number of times to punch -> Start Punching.

Chance Helper:

Chance Helper – Bookmark this link
Run it when you have a daily chance ticket available. Numbers you’ve already selected once for the current week are highlighted in Green, more than once in Red.

RBD Killer :

RBD Killer – Bookmark this link
Removes the Revolving Barrel of Death. NOTE : This does not cancel the request sent to Zynga. eg – If you click the inventory page and use this BM it will hide the barrel but the inventory page will still load up eventually.. Be careful when using this before Boss Fights, it may cause you to run away because you were not aware that a previous page was still loading.

Launder BM:

Launder – Bookmark this link
First click this link to launder -> Launder If it doesn’t give you the prompt to post to your feed asking for help. Unframe the page using the BM, Run Launder BM again.